
Statue of Obinzuru San on the temple veranda

I arranged to meet Eshin the priest tonight. Still 8 kilometers to go. Not enough time. Hot and tired. No time to stop and rest. I keep walking and pray to Obinzuru San. Banned from entering the temple to hear the teachings because he couldn't stop drinking. He sat on the veranda and listened from outside. Red drunken face.

They tell me he stops pain. Touch his feet and touch your own. They'll be soothed. Touch his eyes, touch his hands. I put a coin in his box and touch his feet. I put a coin in his box and touch his heart.

I pray to Obinzuru San and soon a car stops. A hand gives me a cold can of tea. A few sweets. 'Well done pilgrim. Keep going.' The car goes away.

The harvested rice is drying in the fields.
A pilgrim sits shaving on the highway.
The local women have knitted caps for the stone statues.


Copyright Edwina Breitzke May 1997