20 September 2003

comic strip

The little, unremembered acts of kindness...
Originally published 17 July 1998

This strip was probably the single most popular for years and might still vie for that title.

Certainly it's a sweet little strip. And like a lot of the early material, it's clumsier than the current strips, but also simpler, which I like to think gives it a certain charm.

It's easy for me to be critical of this strip--I look at my art (and to a lesser extent my writing) from six months ago and think "I could do that better now," and this strip is now over five years old. The perspective is off, the use of lines in the background is less then economical, the poses are relatively awkward, and I don't know what that scribble in the lower left hand corner of each panel is.

At the end of the day, though, I still agree with Timulty and I always will.