4 October 2003

comic strip

Dot Comment
Originally published 2 July 2000

Of course, when I drew this strip in summer 2000, the "dotcom bubble" was in full force. I'd like to claim a certain amount of foresight in having known that the whole thing was, well, silly and childish (and written a strip like this, placing my silliest and most childish character right at the center of it). Of course, the truth is that a lot of people didn't get caught up in the frenzy, and saw exactly what I saw. So I can't claim unique insight.

I do think this sort of thing brings out the best in Timulty, though. He's unfazed by the negative, and we see that a lot, but here we see that the shallow positives don't really get to him either. That, I think, is what really made idiots of a lot of people during the dotcom years--their desire for power, or money, or to be part of something exciting, overwhelmed their good sense.

But really, if your greatest thrills in life come from candy and construction paper, you're immune.