6 January 2004

comic strip

Idealistic rallying cry
Originally published 19 May 2001

I went to a very liberal college. In fact, there's a large, and very vocal, segment of the student body there that goes straight past liberal and all the way to "left-wing radical."

It was fun.

It was an odd experience for me, though, because, as the newspaper's resident cartoonist, it fell to me to poke fun at them. Now, by that time I was used to people on the right calling me a stupid liberal. (Still happens, regularly.) But it was an entirely new experience being called a vicious conservative for drawing cartoons which pointed out that, say, picketing in front of the college's library was unlikely to cause the Chinese government to free Tibet.

Every once in a while, that old habit of making fun of the actual motives of self-indulgent ideologues bubbles to the surface, like in this strip.