10 January 2004

comic strip

Captain Locke's first major Executive Act
Originally published 24 May 2001

This strip exists because I think people talking like pirates in every day situations is one of those things that's just inherently funny.

This basic gag would also have worked with a phone solicitor. I suppose I chose door-to-door religious proselytizers in part because I enjoy being just a little bit controversial. Nevertheless, I don't think there's any need for Christians to be offended--I'd like to point out that nothing at all in this strip suggests that these people are typical of the faith. (Actually, there's not even anything that specifically indicates that they're Christians.)

I did have to explain that to one or two people, at the time. There's apparently a common habit of assuming that any depiction that's remotely negative is an act of stereotyping. Really--I was not trying to offend.