Monday, April 14, 2008

I really hate these people

So, the president of the United states has nonchalantly (and a little petulantly, as is his wont) admitted that, yeah, he and pretty much everyone else in his administration were meeting daily and discussing what torture techniques to use on what detainees. This, for those who don't know, is both grossly immoral and flagrantly illegal, to the point where I would be very surprised if any of them feel free to travel internationally after leaving office. Like Henry Kissinger before them, they're going to have to consider which countries might turn them over to international authorities for war crimes.

You would think the media would be buzzing about this, the way they do when, you know, a Democratic president gets a blow job.

But no, they're too busy talking about the fact that Barack Obama asked for orange juice instead of coffee, and what an awful elitist bastard this makes him.


Pardon me, I have to go scream and beat my head against a wall.

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