21 October 2003

comic strip

Oops, he did it again!
Originally published 18 June 2000

This was the second occurrence of the haircut gag. At the time I was only sort of aware it would become a running gag--it had been a year and a half, after all, and I had modified the strip's drawing style in May of 2000 (this strip ran in June), and I sort of thought if I set it up differently, and did it in color, it would still seem novel. Which I suppose it did.

Still, I miss Millie's cheerfully malevolent presence in the whole thing. (She remarks in a subsequent strip that it's difficult for her to accept that this stuff also happens to Ozy without her having caused it.)

The barber in this strip is a caricature of the guy who cut my hair when I was a kid. Actually, he looked an awful lot like Colonel Sanders.