Glass Wings Blog: Energy

“A basic right:” Why energy for cooking, heating and cooling should be free
“A better way to live:” Indigenous-owned solar microgrid lights way for energy democracy
A major blackout left 500,000 Victorian homes without power – but it shows our energy system is resilient
A new kind of solar cell is coming: is it the future of green energy?
A new project promised low-income families ‘zero net energy homes’ – but they still rely on gas
A Peruvian farmer is trying to hold energy giant RWE responsible for climate change – the inside story of his groundbreaking court case
A quarter of Queensland’s energy now generated from renewables
A renewable energy transition that doesn’t harm nature? It’s not just possible, it’s essential
A successful energy transition depends on managing when people use power. So how do we make demand more flexible?
Aboriginal owners and energy investors team up in plan for $3bn green hydrogen plant in WA
African Climate Summit: An opportunity to decolonise Africa’s energy
Albanese government to rapidly expand investment scheme for clean energy projects
‘An energy war is being waged’: former oil boss warns of price rises after Ukraine infrastructure attacks
Australia is touted as a future clean energy ‘superpower’ – but research suggests other nations will outperform us
Australia’s ‘carbon budget’ may blow out by 40% under the Coalition’s nuclear energy plan – and that’s the best-case scenario
Barnaby Joyce ditched his RM Williams to protest against green energy … Wait until he finds out about his new boots
Batteries on wheels: Energy retailer Amber launches trial for bi-directional EV charging
Beyond Juukan Gorge: how First Nations people are taking charge of clean energy projects on their land
Biden-Harris Administration Launches $7 Billion Solar for All Grant Competition to Fund Residential Solar Programs that Lower Energy Costs for Families and Advance Environmental Justice Through Investing in America Agenda
Cement-based supercapacitor makes a novel energy storage system
Chartbook 284 The beginning of a new era: How the "global" energy transition is happening in China (Carbon Notes 13)
China’s Remote Deserts Are Hiding an Energy Revolution
China's shrewd grab for green energy recycling dominance
Chris Bowen says agreement on global fossil fuel phase out central to Australia’s renewable energy plans
Clean Energy Australia 2024
The Clean Energy Future Is Arriving Faster Than You Think
Clean energy slump – why Australia’s renewables revolution is behind schedule, and how to fix it
Clean technologies are driving job growth in the energy sector, but skills shortages are an increasing concern
Climate change: China sets stage for more of its transport to run on solar energy
Coal closures, battery storage, solar generation: The energy transition is everywhere
Coal will be all but gone by 2034 under Australia’s latest energy roadmap
Companies turn obsolete satellite antennas in Swiss Alps into highly efficient power sources: 'Ideal as solar energy systems'
COP28: Why China’s clean energy boom matters for global climate action
The Devolution Of Hydrogen For Energy Over 25 Years Is A Fascinating Tale
Driving the energy transition, EVs are simply better for the environment
Dutton’s plan to nuke Australia’s renewable energy transition explained in full
Electrification is efficiency: The world will need less energy after the transition
The end of Oppenheimer’s nuclear energy dream: Modular reactors supported by ideology alone
Energy Agency Sees Peaks in Global Oil, Coal and Gas Demand by 2030
Energy providers and renewable technology companies developing 'novel' electric car charging prototypes for the bush
Energy Return On Investment Rears Its Misshapen Head Again
Energy transition titan Hugh Saddler’s quest to cut emissions leaves lasting legacy
EU countries already hitting some of their sustainable energy targets for 2030
Eye on Climate Goals, China Names 15 Cities as New Energy Hubs
Facing increasing pressure from customers, some miners are switching to renewable energy
First Nations people must be at the forefront of Australia’s renewable energy revolution
Floating solar panels could provide much of Africa’s energy – new research
Floating Solar Panels Turn Old Industrial Sites Into Green Energy Goldmines
The future of energy is community energy, and 100 per cent renewable
Germany Tests a Dutch Fix for Energy-Guzzling (and Ugly) Buildings
Gina Rinehart says renewable energy could use one-third of Australia’s prime agricultural land. Is she right?
The green energy surge still isn’t enough for 1.5 degrees. We’ll have to overshoot, adapt and soak up carbon dioxide
Greenpeace opposes nuclear energy. Young climate activists say that's 'old-fashioned'
Here’s how wastewater facilities could tackle food waste, generate energy and slash emissions
“High rewards, no regrets:” Council gas bans could save new-build home owners $600 a year on energy
How the South Pole research station could run on 100% renewable energy
Hyped and expensive, hydrogen has a place in Australia’s energy transition, but only with urgent government support
If you build it, will they come? Insect community responses to habitat establishment at solar energy facilities in Minnesota, USA
Is bioenergy ever truly green? It depends on 5 key questions
Kicking gas and electrifying households can slash energy bills by billions a year
Landlords should reveal homes’ energy efficiency to help Australia’s renters cut power bills, advocates say
‘Limitless’ energy: how floating solar panels near the equator could power future population hotspots
The low-carbon energy transition will need less mining than fossil fuels, even when adjusted for waste rock
Making fossil fuel companies accountable for their products’ emissions would support the clean energy transition
Mars launches “Australia first” thermal energy battery to cook petfood
Minimum energy standards urgently needed for space heaters, hot water systems and cooktops
Muscle, wood, coal, oil: what earlier energy transitions tell us about renewables
Myths are clouding the reality of our sustainable energy future
The Nationals want renewables to stay in the cities – but the clean energy grid doesn’t work like that
New $150m fund targets net zero “disruption” start-ups across energy, transport, recycling
New paint gives extra insulation, saving on energy, costs, and carbon emissions
News Corp gasses up ‘green’ fossil fuels in a series on future energy – but does it pass the sniff test?
No threat to farm land: just 1,200 square kilometres can fulfil Australia’s solar and wind energy needs
No-Nonsense Musing on the Energy Transition
Nuclear energy creates the most dangerous form of radioactive waste. Where does Peter Dutton plan to put it?
‘Nuclear energy won’t stop cows from burping’: Peter Dutton needs a plan that goes beyond the electricity sector
NZ has the energy resources to adopt alternative food technologies – it just needs a plan
Off-grid solar and battery system “twice the size of the MCG” slashes almond farm energy bill
Peter Dutton says nuclear power plants “burn energy.” No they don’t
Pristine rainforest, 'dirty' power: The diesel vs solar energy debate raging inside the Daintree
Progress in the clean energy transition
The push for nuclear energy in Australia is driven by delay and denial, not evidence
Queensland identifies ‘renewable energy zones’ as part of $62bn ‘super grid’ plan
Rapid progress of key clean energy technologies shows the new energy economy is emerging faster than many think
Renewable energy deployment surge puts global power system on track for the IEA’s ambitious net-zero pathway
Renewable Energy Investment Hits Record-Breaking $358 Billion in 1H 2023
Renewable energy is now cheap—what’s next?
Researchers found 37 mine sites in Australia that could be converted into renewable energy storage. So what are we waiting for?
Small Modular Reactors Aren’t Silver Bullet for Nuclear Energy Challenges
Solar Built on Trash Offers Solution to Renewable Energy’s Space Problem
Solar energy could power all health facilities in poorer countries and save lives, experts say
Solar Farms Out at Sea Are Clean Energy’s Next Breakthrough
Solar Power’s Giants Are Providing More Energy Than Big Oil
Startup revives 140-year-old tech to generate energy for remote areas: 'Marks the beginning of a renewable transition'
Study reveals how SARS-CoV-2 alters mitochondria, leading to energy outages and organ failure
Sucking carbon from the air essential to limit warming, but it’s going to need a lot of energy
Sunshine state to transform solar heavy towns into bespoke local renewable energy zones
Super funds back fossil “climate wreckers” over clean energy
Surging renewable energy sees record supply to Australia’s electricity grid
TDK claims insane energy density in solid-state battery breakthrough
Technology Advancements Could Unlock 80% More Wind Energy Potential During This Decade
Top green energy award for Maria Island’s 13,000-litre diesel reduction solar project
Traditional owners take majority stake in $3 billion Western Australian green energy project
US clean energy drive fuels shortage of engineers in Australia
Victims of the green energy boom? The Indonesians facing eviction over a China-backed plan to turn their island into a solar panel ‘ecocity’
We Throw Away A Lot of Energy Which Is Why Electrifying Everything Matter
We urgently need $100bn for renewable energy. But call it statecraft, not ‘industry policy’
We used AI and satellite imagery to map ocean activities that take place out of sight, including fishing, shipping and energy development
We’re closer to tripling renewable energy capacity by 2030 than we look – IEA
We've barely scratched the surface of how energy efficiency can help the energy transition
What is metabolism? A biochemist explains how different people convert energy differently − and why that matters for your health
When China understands the logic of renewable energy
When it comes to renewable energy, why go solo when you can go community solar?
Wind and solar energy saved Texans $11 billion in 2022
Without community support, the green energy transition will fail. Here’s how to get communities on board
World Energy Outlook 2023
World record: Wind turbine generates enough energy in a day to power 170,000 homes
The World's Cleanest Energy Source Is Nearly Here
World’s renewable energy capacity grew at record pace in 2023
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