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Ambulance ramping is getting worse in Australia. Here’s why – and what we can do about it

Sat, 27 Jul 2024 18:38:37 +1000

Andrew Pam <xanni [at]>

Andrew Pam

"We’ve seen countless media reports in recent days, weeks and months about the
ramping of ambulances at hospital emergency departments (EDs) around Australia.


Cows under panels and energetic pig farts: Farmers want to get more out of renewables

Sat, 27 Jul 2024 18:37:39 +1000

Andrew Pam <xanni [at]>

Andrew Pam

"As the Renewables in Agriculture conference wound up in Toowoomba on Thursday
evening, there were two major themes that emerged.


Friday essay: exhilaration and fear – Dennis Altman on the global gay rights divide

Sat, 27 Jul 2024 18:36:35 +1000

Andrew Pam <xanni [at]>

Andrew Pam

"Earlier this year I visited Italy to mark the re-translation of my first book,
Homosexual: Oppression and Liberation (published in 1972). An attempt to
explain the emergence of gay liberation, the book grew out of my involvement in


Still fab after 60 years: how The Beatles’ A Hard Day’s Night made pop cinema history

Sat, 27 Jul 2024 18:35:11 +1000

Andrew Pam <xanni [at]>

Andrew Pam

"I first saw A Hard Day’s Night at a film festival over 20 years ago, at the
insistence of my mum. By then, it was already decades old, but I remember being
enthralled by its high-spirited energy.


Native America Calling: One fan’s vision to share his collection of Native music

Sat, 27 Jul 2024 18:33:52 +1000

Andrew Pam <xanni [at]>

Andrew Pam

"A Lakota man in Minneapolis, Minnesota, is developing an archive of music by
Native American artists one record and cassette tape at a time.


Ukraine Update July 04

Sat, 27 Jul 2024 18:32:25 +1000

Andrew Pam <xanni [at]>

Andrew Pam

"Oh my GOD! The Russians are advancing on all fronts!!! Well, I mean, not near
Kharkiv, where they are retreating. And the Dnepr river has stopped them in the
south. But in Donetsk, they are advancing! Below are the gains over the last


UK election: Tory downfall is democracy rectifying its mistakes

Sat, 27 Jul 2024 12:28:46 +1000

Andrew Pam <xanni [at]>

Andrew Pam

"Democracies are no better than other forms of government at avoiding
catastrophic mistakes. But they are much more effective at rectifying them.
While the 2024 British general election might have seemed a long time coming,


How I Learned to See Through Propaganda and Disinformation

Sat, 27 Jul 2024 12:27:00 +1000

Andrew Pam <xanni [at]>

Andrew Pam

"In our current age of pervasive political disinformation, we all need to
develop skill in recognizing and decoding propaganda.


With its latest Moon mission success, China’s space programme has the US in its sights

Sat, 27 Jul 2024 12:25:26 +1000

Andrew Pam <xanni [at]>

Andrew Pam

"June 25 2024 marked a new “first” in the history of spaceflight. China’s
robotic Chang’e 6 spacecraft delivered samples of rock back to Earth from a
huge feature on the Moon called the south pole–Aitken basin. After touching


Why Increasing Income Inequality Is Tearing America Apart

Sat, 27 Jul 2024 12:24:15 +1000

Andrew Pam <xanni [at]>

Andrew Pam

"Between 2016 and 2019 the total share of income going to the richest Americans
increased by 17 percent. That statistic shows Donald Trump's first attempt to
'Make America Great Again' focused on tax breaks for the rich. If making


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