Glass Wings Blog: Save

11 Asian, S American nations sign declaration to save rare river dolphins
154 million lives saved in 50 years: 5 charts on the global success of vaccines
The ’90s Sci-Fi Series That Needs Help Being Saved
A community-led strategy to save Brazil’s dry forests from desertification
A home among the gum trees: will the Great Koala National Park actually save koalas?
A New Ocean Preserve Could Save the Waters Off Baja—And This Stunning Marine Life
A School Bought Solar Panels and Saved Enough to Give All Its Teachers Raises
Aggressive measures in COVID early years credited for saving thousands of lives
An entry fee may not be enough to save Venice from 20 million tourists
Another reminder that what copyright destroys, unauthorised copying can save
As shots rang out, the battle to save Western Australia’s stranded pilot whales was over
Britain’s 45 remaining cooling towers are architectural gems. Let’s save them
Buildings as batteries: How basic demand response could shift 12GW of peak demand, save billions
Can 3D-printed tiger teeth help save our rarest animals from extinction?
Can $500 Million Save This Glacier?
Can a green transition save the Mekong River?
Can corals be saved?
Can Farmers Save the Great Salt Lake?
Can the government’s new market mechanism help save nature? Yes – if we get the devil out of the detail
Can your Windows 10 PC be saved in 2025? Yes - for free. Here's how
Clean-up of Indian coal-fired power plants ‘could have saved 720,000 lives’
‘Cli-fi’ might not save the world, but writing it could help with your eco-anxiety
Conservation: Rare Caribbean wildlife species saved from extinction
COP28: How 7 policies could help save a billion lives by 2100
Coral reef: How divers are using antibiotics to save sick corals
Counting Bugs to Save Birds
COVID Isn’t Going Anywhere. Masking Up Could Save My Life.
COVID vaccines saved at least 1.4 million lives in Europe, WHO says
‘Does rewilding sort climate change? Yes!’: UK expert says nature can save planet and not harm farming
Dried fruit grower saves $10,000 with electric four wheel drives, solar and battery
The Dutch Recession, The End of American Pandemic Savings, and Why One House Survived the Hawaii Fires
E-fuels cannot save Europe from Chinese electric vehicles
Elon Musk personally thwarted a Ukrainian attack and saved the Russian Navy
Emissions from households’ water use are on a par with aviation. The big cuts and savings they can make are being neglected
EV sales boom in Nepal, helping to save on oil imports and alleviate smog
Even Dimming The Sun Wouldn't Save Antarctica's Ice Now, Scientists Say
‘Fascinating and troubling’: Australians would rather save a single human life than prevent an entire species from becoming extinct
Fence me in: the bold plan to save native species on Wilsons Promontory
The fight to save the endangered southern brush-tailed rock wallaby
Fire on the doorstep: how residents and firefighters from two states combined to save NSW-Qld border towns
First Peoples’ land overlaps with 130 imperilled bird species – and their knowledge may be vital to saving them
Forgotten Books And How To Save Them
Four Wild Ways to Save the Koala (That Just Might Work)
From urchin crushing to lab-grown kelp, efforts to save California’s kelp forests show promise
Global Fund partnership achieves record breaking results, with 59 million lives saved since 2002, thanks to U.S. investments
Global heating, land clearing and the ‘extinction vortex’: the fight to save Australia’s koalas
Grants for home batteries could “save billions” in shift to renewables
Heat pumps: how to reduce your carbon footprint while saving money this winter
Heroes in pink: Lao midwives supporting rights and saving lives
“High rewards, no regrets:” Council gas bans could save new-build home owners $600 a year on energy
How a Guatemalan river clean-up could help save the oceans
How China’s Downturn Could Save the World
How Degrowth Can Save The World
How islanders are saving their Indian Ocean coral reef
How Locals Saved ‘the Yosemite of South America’
How South Korea’s Feminist Movement Saved My Life
How we’re using the Vietnamese ethnic savings scheme ‘Hụi’ to buy back our cultural heritage
In Kenya, Nigeria and Malawi, gene-editing is saving crops
Indigenous people in the Amazon are helping to build bridges & save primates
“It’s all about the money:” US town saves $80,000 a year by switching to electric police vehicles
Klamath Tribes all hands on deck to save endangered C’waam and Koptu suckerfish
Leading ‘Save The Kids!’ Advocate Pushing Absolutely Dangerous ‘Protect The California’ Ballot Initiative That Will Do Real Harm To Children
Legal fight to save their island homes from the rising sea
Let it bee: The women on a mission to save Mexico City’s bees
Let's Save The Earth - NSP
‘Like unscrambling an egg’: scientists alter DNA to save Scottish wildcats
Lives saved by public health restrictions over the Victorian COVID-19 Delta variant epidemic wave, Aug-Nov 2021
Making tracks: how linking patches of wilderness is saving Borneo’s wildlife
The man who took on the coal industry to save a forest - and won
Matt Bruce poured his life savings into a tiny home. Now Byron Shire council wants to demolish it
Millions of high-risk Australians aren’t getting vaccinated. A policy reset could save lives
National Cabinet’s new housing plan could fix our rental crisis and save renters billions
New paint gives extra insulation, saving on energy, costs, and carbon emissions
New PCB design is repeatably recyclable — vitrimer PCBs could save millions of tons in eWaste, say UW researchers
New Zealand seeks to exterminate predators to save native birds
New Zealand's Covid-19 response saved 20,000 lives - research
On the Navajo Nation, Accurate Mailing Addresses Save Lives
One Man’s Quest to Heal the Oceans—And Maybe Save the World
The online marketplace saving ‘wonky’ beauty products from landfill
Our ‘frog saunas’ could help save endangered species from the devastating chytrid fungus
Our native animals are easy prey after a fire. Could artificial refuges save them?
Packaging made from food waste could save millions of tonnes of produce from landfill
People power: seven grassroots conservationists who are ‘saving the world’
Return of the ‘consultocracy’ – how cutting public service jobs to save costs usually backfires
Rosalynn Carter's quiet victory: How she saved thousands and took no credit
Saving Brazil’s golden monkey, one green corridor at a time
Saving Michoacán forests: Purépechas plant millions of trees
Saving the Bald Eagle – a Conservation Success Story
Saving the Bears of Abruzzo
Saving the Mary River turtle: how the people of Tiaro rallied behind an iconic species
Saving Yellowstone for the Grizzlies
Set more ambitious climate targets to save Great Barrier Reef, Unesco urges Australia
Seychelles: floating baby corals can help save damaged reefs – new study
Singapore Is Fighting Rising Seas to Save $50 Billion in Real Estate
The Sky Is Rising 2024 Edition: Rather Than Destroying Culture, The Internet Has Saved The Content Industries
Slashing salt can save lives – and it won’t hurt your hip pocket or tastebuds
Solar energy could power all health facilities in poorer countries and save lives, experts say
Sound-powered sensors stand to save millions of batteries
Spanish minister hails deal to save Andalucía wetlands as a model for green transition
The Struggle to Save Pacific Salmon
Tasmanian salmon farms could face restrictions to save endangered fish
These cities are building solar plants on trash to save space
These conservation-minded Illinois farmers are in a race against climate change to save their soil
This Cheap Street Fix Saves Lives. Why Don’t More Cities Do It?
This Innovative Map Tracks The Ocean To Help Save It
This Utah County Will Buy Your Lawn to Save Water
Tip shops can save items that are too good for landfill from going to waste
Tires are saving us — and killing us, too
To Save the Planet, Should We Really Be Moving Slower?
To save their soil, Kansas tribe shifts to regenerative agriculture—and transforms their farms
Two-thirds of us support banning pet cats from roaming. A ban would save millions of native animals – and billions of dollars
US buildings kill up to a billion birds a year. These architects want to save them
We mapped the entire bilby genome – and now we can use poo to save Australia’s ‘Easter bunny’ from extinction
We need urban trees more than ever – here’s how to save them from extreme heat
Why a game in which you look for a real, live pink elephant could help save the world
Why artificial submarine curtains won’t save West Antarctica’s retreating glaciers
Why move species to islands? Saving wildlife as the world changes means taking calculated risks
Wildfires are killing California's ancient giants. Can seedlings save sequoia trees?
Wind and solar energy saved Texans $11 billion in 2022
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