Glass Wings Blog: Shows

10 Best Classic Animated Shows From Europe
A new database of teachers on screen shows they are often portrayed as rule breakers, losers or villains
Almost nine in 10 Australians support plan to outlaw lies in political advertising, poll shows
Australian homes can be made climate-ready, reducing bills and emissions – a new report shows how
Australians’ national wellbeing shows a glass half full: Measuring What Matters report
Australia’s annual plastic consumption produces emissions equivalent to 5.7m cars, analysis shows
Australia’s federal whistleblowing laws have not protected anyone since inception, analysis shows
Australia’s support to Pacific surges as China focuses on ‘friendly’ states, aid map shows
BA.2.86 shows just how risky slacking off on COVID monitoring is
California Shows an Electric-Car Uprising Headed for the US
ChatGPT use shows that the grant-application system is broken
Confirmed: New Study Shows The Gulf Stream Is Definitely Weakening
Cop28 host UAE breaking its own ban on routine gas flaring, data shows
COP28 president is wrong – science clearly shows fossil fuels must go (and fast)
During NAIDOC Week, many Indigenous women are assigned unpaid work. New research shows how prevalent this is in the workplace
EU fossil fuel burning for electricity fell to lowest on record in 2023, data shows
Fireflies, brain cells, dancers: new synchronisation research shows nature’s perfect timing is all about connections
Floods and environmental flows a boon for south-east Australia’s waterbirds, survey shows
From COVID to climate: Queensland’s new emissions pledge shows state governments are once again leading change
From sexual liberation to fashionable heels, new research shows how women are changing North Korea
Gas boiler lobby trying to delay UK’s heat pump plans, leak shows
The great cancellation: why megabucks TV shows are vanishing without a trace
Green gains: Localized efforts leave a mark, notably in drier areas, study shows
Haunting Animation Shows All The Fires Burning in Northern Australia The Past 2 Months
Health Star Rating only on about a third of Australian supermarket products that should carry it, report shows
How big are the fires burning in Australia’s north? Interactive map shows they’ve burned an area larger than Spain
How should a robot explore the Moon? A simple question shows the limits of current AI systems
Hurricanes push heat deeper into the ocean than scientists realized, boosting long-term ocean warming, new research shows
Indigenous and local communities see big gains in land rights, study shows
Keen to get off gas in your home, but struggling to make the switch? Research shows you’re not alone
Leakage or spillover? Conservation parks boost biodiversity outside them – but there’s a catch, new study shows
Love it or Leave it? Study Shows How People Perceive AI-created Content
The Murray-Darling Basin shows why the ‘social cost of water’ concept won’t work
Music Streaming Royalty Hacking Shows How Desperately The System Needs To Be Overhauled
New research shows how Indigenous-owned businesses are creating better outcomes for their employees
New research shows renewables are more profitable than nuclear power
New study shows we can create value from food waste by turning it into a highly desirable material – nanocellulose
New unified theory shows how past landscapes drove the evolution of Earth’s rich diversity of life
Nobody reads T&C’s – but the High Court’s Ruby Princess decision shows consumer law may protect us anyway
NSW police use force against Indigenous Australians at drastically disproportionate levels, data shows
Plastic waste ‘spiralling out of control’ across Africa, analysis shows
Pollution from coal power plants contributes to far more deaths than scientists realized, study shows
Prigozhin’s rockstar exit from Rostov shows public support for ‘traitor’
Promises to get tough on youth crime might win votes – but the evidence shows it hasn’t worked for NZ
Rapid ice melt in west Antarctica now inevitable, research shows
Rapid progress of key clean energy technologies shows the new energy economy is emerging faster than many think
Research shows shrinking Arctic glaciers are unearthing a new source of methane
The road to recovery: conservation management for the Critically Endangered Bali myna shows signs of success
Roald Dahl was a bigot and beloved children’s author. Wes Anderson shows both sides of this complicated persona
Russia planned to steal grain and starve Ukrainians ahead of invasion, evidence shows
Social media can in fact be made better: Research shows it is possible to reward users for sharing accurate information instead of misinformation
Study shows dogs can detect COVID-19 faster, better than most PCR tests
Supermarket plastic bag charge has led to 98% drop in use in England, data shows
Unique study shows we can train wild predators to hunt alien species they’ve never seen before
Uruguay’s green power revolution: rapid shift to wind shows the world how it’s done
Vegan diet massively cuts environmental damage, study shows
Wasabi Boosts Cognitive Ability in Older People, Study Shows
Watered-down LGBTQ ‘understanding’ bill shows how far Japan’s parliament is out of step with its society – and history
We need to decarbonise our electricity supply, and quickly – Alan Finkel shows how green energy can be a reality, and bring economic benefits
The Weird Trademark Issue That Shows Up In The Harlan Crow / Clarence Thomas Mess
Why am I online? Research shows it’s often about managing emotions
Why is truth-telling so important? Our research shows meaningful reconciliation cannot occur without it
Yet Another Study Shows No Link At All Between Social Media And Teen Anxiety And Depression
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