Glass Wings Blog: Work

A 4-day week might not work in health care. But adapting this model could reduce burnout among staff
A Caltech Nobel laureate celebrates his 100th birthday. Then he gets back to work
A major new childcare report glosses over the issues educators face at work and why they leave
A Place For Autistic Youth To Play And Disabled Adults To Work
A Postal Worker Begged for Stronger COVID-19 Protections. She Ended Up Spending Six Weeks in the Hospital.
After 10 years of work, landmark study reveals new ‘tree of life’ for all birds living today
The AI chat app being trialled in NSW schools which makes students work for the answers
AI scam calls imitating familiar voices are a growing problem – here’s how they work
An inside look at the dangerous, painstaking work of collecting evidence of suspected war crimes in Ukraine
Australia’s soils are notoriously poor. Here’s how scientists are working to improve them
‘Battered and broken. I must get out’: what staff told us about teaching and working in universities today
Bridging the divide: 12 groups working for Israel-Palestine peace
‘Care is in everything we do and everything we are’: the work of Indigenous women needs to be valued
Cash transfers work
CEO regrets her firm took on Facebook moderation work after staff ‘traumatised’
CEOs at Australia’s biggest companies earn 55 times more than typical worker, report finds
Claudia Goldin wins Nobel economics prize for work on gender pay gap
The Coalition wants nuclear power. Could it work – or would it be an economic and logistical disaster?
Dad appalled Uber Eats driver working while sick with Covid
Distributed work: get it right and your organization will benefit
Doctors are being sexually harassed at work. This needs to stop
Drugs of the future will be easier and faster to make, thanks to mRNA – after researchers work out a few remaining kinks
During NAIDOC Week, many Indigenous women are assigned unpaid work. New research shows how prevalent this is in the workplace
The Endangered Species Act Has Been a Success for 50 Years. Its Work Is Just Beginning
Every worker is entitled to be safe at work, but casual workers can fall through the cracks
Fika, four-week holidays – and zero overtime: Sweden’s stunningly healthy work culture
Four Wild Ways to Save the Koala (That Just Might Work)
Four-day work week to be trialled in Dominican Republic
Giuliani’s lies turned my life ‘upside down’, election worker testifies
Google Promises Unlimited Cloud Storage; Then Cancels Plan; Then Tells Journalist His Life’s Work Will Be Deleted Without Enough Time To Transfer The Data
Guerrilla festival no-photo2024 is highlighting the unseen work of Palestinian photographers in Gaza
Hard work and happy accidents: why do so many of us prefer ‘difficult’ analogue technology?
Here’s why the best IMAX movies still need a Palm Pilot to work
How does ice cream work? A chemist explains why you can’t just freeze cream and expect results
‘I was told to return to work as soon as I regained consciousness.’ Why only a third of assaulted nurses report it to police
In Juneau, Alaska, a carbon offset project that’s actually working
Is linking time in the office to career success the best way to get us back to work?
Israeli strike on World Central Kitchen aid convoy shows growing danger of humanitarian work in conflict zones
It’s getting even harder to find full-time work. So more people are taking second part-time jobs
Ken Burns At 70 Turns His Spotlight On ‘The U.S. And The Holocaust,’ Says “I Won’t Work On A More Important Film”
Let the community work it out: Throwback to early internet days could fix social media’s crisis of legitimacy
Many people feel they work in pointless, meaningless jobs, research confirms
Meet the Arizona Nonprofit Working to Transform Urban Food Deserts
Miyazaki Already Working On Next Project
The moral injury of having your work enshittified
More forced marriages and worker exploitation – why Australia needs an anti-slavery commissioner
The Murray-Darling Basin shows why the ‘social cost of water’ concept won’t work
The Nationals want renewables to stay in the cities – but the clean energy grid doesn’t work like that
Non-native English speaking scientists work much harder just to keep up, global research reveals
People who work from home all the time ‘cut emissions by 54%’ against those in office
People working on climate solutions are facing a big obstacle: conspiracy theories
Point of no return: Australians fight for the right to work from home permanently
Prison Libraries: How Do They Work? Why Are They Important?
Record year for olive ridley turtles in Bangladesh as conservation work pays off
Recycling is a Lie. Plastic Manufacturers Spent $1B to Make You Think It’s Working
Reflectors in space could make solar farms on Earth work for longer every day
Remote employees ‘don’t work as hard’, says head of world’s biggest commercial landlord
Remote Work Is Here to Stay, Mostly for the Better
Remote Work Isn’t Dead – An Inevitable Uprising is Brewing
Remote work won, don't let anyone gaslight you to believe otherwise
Renewed calls for Labor to ditch work for the dole scheme as major charity walks away
Robot Hand With Working Tendons Printed in One Go
Salmon won't return to the Klamath River overnight, but tribes are ready for restoration work
Scientists whose work enabled mRNA Covid vaccine win medicine Nobel prize
The Secret History of How the Super-Rich Have Kept the Working Class Out of Work
The Short List Of Climate Actions That Will Work
Slow solutions to fast-moving ecological crises won’t work – changing basic human behaviours must come first
Survey finds generative AI proving major threat to the work of translators
SXSW Sydney explained: how will the Austin festival work in Australia – and who is it for?
This Bold Plan to Kick the World’s Coal Habit Might Actually Work
Too much heat in the kitchen: survey shows toxic work conditions mean many chefs are getting out
Two new malaria vaccines are being rolled out across Africa: how they work and what they promise
Ukraine war: why a ceasefire based on partition of territory won’t work
UN livestock emissions report seriously distorted our work, say experts
Under-counting, a gendered industry, and precarious work: the challenges facing Creative Australia in supporting visual artists
The US Banning TikTok Would Play Right Into China’s Hands, And Destroy Decades Of US Work On Promoting An Open Internet
We can’t rely on the ‘dogs breakfast’ of disaster warnings to do the hard work of building community resilience
We need more than a definition change to fix Australia’s culture of permanent ‘casual’ work
We won’t get real equality until we price breastmilk, and treat breastfeeding as work
What are the new COVID booster vaccines? Can I get one? Do they work? Are they safe?
What happens when we outsource boring but important work to AI? Research shows we forget how to do it ourselves
What I got wrong about loyalty at work
What is biophilic design? 3 ways ‘green’ buildings work better for neurodivergent people
What’s it worth to work from home? For some, it’s as much as one-third of their wage
When Work Is Play
‘Who owns the river?’: Wilmington residents call for historic dam protection while environmentalists work to protect fish species
Why the ‘drug dealers defence’ doesn’t work for exporting coal. It’s actually Economics 101
Work From Home Works
Work has conquered every day of the week. How do we remain human in a world that worships toil?
Work less, pollute less
Work-from-home rates fall but skill shortages may delay full return to Australian offices
Working from home can make us healthier and happier. Employers benefit too. Here’s the evidence if you need any convincing
Working from home has worked for people with disability. The back-to-the-office push could wind back gains
Working from home is producing economic benefits return-to-office rules would quash
The working-from-home debate gets old
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